Current Board of Directors
Matthew Farrell, Treasurer
Aubrey Hagen
Shelley Herman
Makenna Larson
Melinda Lavine
Heather Mutchler
Kirsten Nielsen
Jeanine Weekes Schroer, Chair
Mack Seidelmann, Vice Chair
Opportunity to Join the Board
The Program for Aid to Victim’s of Sexual Assault is seeking members to join our Board of Directors. PAVSA is dedicated to the elimination of sexual violence in Southern St. Louis County through supporting victims, educating the community, and advocating for change. Our core values include free and accessible services that are victim-centered and victim-driven. We are committed to providing support services for victims of sexual violence, educating and building awareness in the community and advocating for social change in the many systems that interact with victims following a sexual assault.
Primary Duties:
- The board is responsible for the purpose, programs and public accountability of the nonprofit organization.
- Engage in a biannual strategic planning session.
- Monitor management
- Represent the organization to the community and enhance the public image.
- Attend monthly board meetings, read background information provided each month prior to Board meetings
- Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 5:30-7:00pm
- Membership on one committee of the Board, either Internal or External committee.
The Board needs a diverse set of skills and backgrounds to ensure broad, relevant, diverse ideas and representation. Prior board experience is a plus but not required.
If you are interested in this position, please fill out the application here:
Application: Board of Directors